
DADT: Don't Ask, Don't Tell

Putting together an article on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell…
What do you know about it (without using GoogleJ)?

I am trying to determine how much or how little you understand. 

Gay or straight, please take a moment to share your thoughts…. Leave a comment via Facebook or on blogspot.

Thanks so much,


  1. Don't ask don't tell is an agreement the army. navy/ military has with those people who serve. They will not ask you your sexual orientation so you do not tell them. However, if you do tell them, they dismiss you.

  2. Isabelle.... would you like to write for lezgetreal.com.... we could really use a DADT reporter

  3. I have no true answer as all I know is what I think I know...

    Don't ask don't tell is a hushed understanding between the military and the people serving in the military. It is not even a rule written in a book. It is just known.

    Is it really true that if you say you're gay you can be let go??? Isn't that illegal? Wow I'm ignorant on this topic.

    Can't wait to read your article :)

    Love you.

  4. You can join the military, fight for your country, even lose your life for it, but you can't be open to who you are... DADT requires you to live your life behind closed doors and keep your sexuality to yourself. That is only if your are gay.... If you are what the military considers "straight" your ok... It's time for CHANGE..... Look at our President....

  5. In due time change will come but we can wait for it we must fight for it now!
