
The Most Wonderful Time of The Year

So often, since we moved and embarked on this Navy adventure, I hop on my blog and rant about all of the things that are missing from our our life.  Wow, have I had a reality check these past few weeks.

I've always been a sucker for the holiday season, but this year the holidays have been particularly special. I thought Thanksgiving would be difficult as it would be the first for Jo and I without our 'family.' However, the day arrived and I began to realize as we grow, so does our definition of family. Without the presence of our extended family members, Jo and I truly embraced the start of this new chapter for the McCafferty-James clan. We have so much to be thankful for, many blessings to count and most importantly, each other.

Thanksgiving morning began with puppy kisses to be grateful for.  It was a beautiful day off with my sweetheart.  We spent the morning watching the parade and preparing for a feast at our friend's house.  We iChatted with family back home and Facebooked loved ones, near and far.   I certainly missed my Grandmother on this first holiday without her, but the day reminded me that we must keep making memories to cherish.

Black Friday has been a tradition in our home for as long as Dad's been carving the turkey.  This would be my first without Mom and sisters in tow.  Again, the day was cherished and the outlets still divine.  Jo and I shopped through the night, texting my family as we found beautiful sweaters for $10 and toys to send to the nieces and nephews.  It is amazing how much technology can keep you together when you are away.

As we installed our new blue ray and crashed on the couch to watching a new $9 DVD, I counted my blessings instead of sheep. As a lesbian Navy wife, I sometimes forget to stand back and remember all that we do have.  We, as a family (all gays, not just Jo and I) have come a long way.  I am confident we will see the day when our rights are equal in this country, but for TODAY, let us be thankful for how blessed we already are.