
Commander's Orders: Obama sends 30,000 U.S. troops to Afghanistan

I don't understand what this man is doing.  Maybe I'm speaking completely from the heart but why can't we just get the fuck out of there???? For those of you that might have somehow missed it President Obama has agreed to send more troops.  In an address to the nation this evening, he announced, "And as Commander-in-Chief, I have determined that it is in our vital national interest to send an additional 30,000 U.S. troops to Afghanistan."  You can read the full speech HERE.

I met a young lesbian, Kitty, tonight, who is dating a women stationed with Jo.  Kit came over with our puppy sitter.   It's amazing how the universe can bring you a new friend during a time when you both might need one.  Her sailor is set to deploy next December.  We don't know anything about Jo's fate with the military yet.  I was desperately hoping our President would say the exact opposite of what he did.

Just needed to vent to the world...more tomorrow when I've calmed down.


  1. As much as I want the troops home, I feel we are at least in the right country, Iraq was the wrong one. The family members of the 3000 that were killed on 9/11, probably feel we need to send more.
    I understand what your saying....it is a very tricky and touchy situation.

  2. As much as I hate to say it, one of Obama's main campaign promises was to send more troops to Afghanistan. There is some sketchy shit going down on the border of Pakistan and we've got to give the Afghan government a bit of a shake down, letting them know that this is it. We are helping you for a little while longer, but you've really gotta get your shit together and put your foot down with Al Qaeda.

    And I agree with Mark. Thank God we are pulling out of Iraq. I still don't understand wtf we were doing there in the first place.
