Spring 2009
Dear Journal,
Having screwdrivers at the Tiki Bar, I met the woman of my dreams. Honestly, I’d been calling myself bi-sexual for years and had one girlfriend previously. But on a hazy summer day, this girl set me on a determined lesbian path. Everyone knew I had ‘tendencies’ but once Jo and I had our first date, I proudly waved my gay flag.
I explained to friends, “No, I really don’t miss men!” Over Blue Moons at TGI Fridays, I told my mother, “Yes, I am sure.” More importantly, I assured her, “I have never been happier.” Jo and I avoided the U-Haul for our first blissful year; however, I did receive a puppy for my birthday (around our 10th month.) Eventually, we moved in, combined books and danced barefoot in our kitchen to Sinatra.
I explained to friends, “No, I really don’t miss men!” Over Blue Moons at TGI Fridays, I told my mother, “Yes, I am sure.” More importantly, I assured her, “I have never been happier.” Jo and I avoided the U-Haul for our first blissful year; however, I did receive a puppy for my birthday (around our 10th month.) Eventually, we moved in, combined books and danced barefoot in our kitchen to Sinatra.
Our first real hurdle as a couple came in the form of Jo’s first Military assignment. We did not expect the assignment given; it is far from our families and we will know no one. BOOM. The Navy throws a wrench in our plans. My real problem is not with the location; I fear the complete lack of community. With this destination, we have many new obstacles to consider. No friends to come over and allow us to be loud and proud in the privacy of our home. The minute the additional miles entered the equation, the idea of long distance flew out the window.
Closet walls are re-appearing in my happy gay bubble. I see what the Navy has done for my girlfriend’s career and I know her descison is what’s best for our family; yet, I’m faced with a high level of uncertainty by committing to the future I so badly desire. I’m supposed to be ok with it all, but I’m scared as hell. I didn’t sign up for this. We never do I guess; we just fall in love.
But all you need is love, right? I hope the universe brings me a walk-in closet, large enough to fit my beautiful Gay family.