I'm watching the Today Show which honestly educates me on so many levels. Who would have thought? I can make dinner, crafts and start my own small company all from a morning with Matt, Meredith, Al, Anne and Natalie:) This morning they even did a segment on Provincetown! Jeez...the life of a housewife has really sucked me in...
I just saw a commercial which indicated I should indulge my cravings...I realized for the first time in my life, I am. It's not what you think though. I've always viewed both "indulge" and "cravings" to be bad things as I'm sure you do. However, I'm indulging my inner creative cravings. My craving to take a plunge, a risk and become everything I'm hoping to be. I sat at my desk job with a drowning feeling, suffocating in an 8 x 8 beige box, a soft buzzing PC in the corner of my L-shaped desk. I abandoned job security, health insurance and my private space of office space to Indulge My Craving. I've never felt better and I think I may have found a preventive measure for depression: enjoy your life.
I hope I don't sound arrogant; I just realized this might be received as bragging, but that is not my intent! I share this nugget hoping to encourage others to take the plunge. The fact is, while I loved the security that came with the over-sized copier down the hall, following my heart (and off-limits Navy Girl-gay, shh!) was scary and overwhelming, but the best move I've ever made. Indulging your cravings is supposed to be deliciously dangerous, is it not?