Imagine for a moment:
What would your life be like if you could not live openly with the woman or man of your choice. This is how gays in the military, and we- their invisible partners- must live each day. We hide.
As Bridget reported earlier (read here), the Military Readiness Enhancement Act of 2010 was introduced to the Senate today. This bill would REPEAL Don't Ask, Don't Tell. If passed, The Department of Defense would still conduct its study; however, they would be determining HOW to implement repeal and not WHETHER to implement repeal. In addition, the Military Readiness Enhancement Act would END discharges immediately.
The Senate needs to hear from you. Please take action now!!! Tell your Senators to co-sponsor and pass the Senate's Military Readiness Enhancement Act of 2010. PFLAG has a great site to figure out who you should contact. Learn the name of your U.S. Senators, here.
Don't Ask, Don't Tell is a disgusting law that must end. Even if this bill will not change your daily life, please help us bring change to our nation. This is an important step in all of our equal rights.