I feel inclined to share my life's mantra today. The more I believe in my own bottom line, the more it reveals its power in my life. No, I'm not a member of Scientology (although I'm intrigued); I believe in the law of attraction.
We are what our thoughts make us.
This is the fundamental belief behind the law of attraction. I was introduced to The Secret, a discussion of The Law of Attraction, about two years. Besides myself, my girlfriend, and some positive friends, I'm noticing that highly successful people have this way of thinking.
Honestly, I'm not going to shove this down your throat. Upon my initial discovery, I did that. I actually drove people away who were just too negative to believe. At the very least, I'm introducing the powerful concept to those that might be interested.
I believe that controlling my thoughts will drive me towards success more rapidly. Using the power within my own being, I can create the life I have always imagined as an accomplished writer who really touches her readers' lives.
So mull it over. Also, notice that this can work with negative thoughts as well. If you continue to think negatively, the negative with manifest.
Just try it...Believe and Receive.
So mull it over. Also, notice that this can work with negative thoughts as well. If you continue to think negatively, the negative with manifest.
Just try it...Believe and Receive.